strawberry Jam
1 lb strawberries puree (add to your food processor and puree
2 tablespoon lemon juice
½ cup of sugar
2 teaspoon orange zest
In a large microwave safe bowl, add in the strawberries, sugar, lemon juice, orange zest, add 10 cups of water, stir, make sure the strawberries are well coated with sugar and allow to sit for about one hour.
Before putting your bowl in the microwave, add a flat plate at the bottom to catch any spillover during the cooking process
Now start cooking on high at 5 minutes intervals for 4 intervals and a total of 20 minutes
The jam mixture will be ready, when the liquid in it thickness slightly and gets syrupy, since it is should thickness as it cools.
Pour in a jar, let it cool at room temperature, then store in the refrigerator
If the jam is too watery after it has chilled, you may need to transfer it back into the microwave and continue to cook till the syrup thickens.